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Technology Demonstration Program
Receive up to $150,000 in Tech Adoption Funding
What is Technology Demonstration Program?

Grant Up to $150,000
The Technology Demonstration Program supports Ontario SMEs that have completed a DMAP project to adopt and implement the digital technology identified in their DMAP, accelerating growth of the mall and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), while supporting the commercialization of Made-in-Ontario digital technologies.

Program Funds

Program Contribution
50% of total eligible project costs, up to $150,000
Application Contribution
50% of total eligible project costs
Eligibility Requirements

SMEs who have completed a DMAP project

Employ between 1 - 499 employees

At least $500,000
of annual revenue
in 1 of the last
3 tax years
Program Business Return

Accelerate Technology Adoption

Increase Business Efficiency

Enhanced Business Products

Access to Latest Technology

Accelerate Business Operations

Increase Market Exposure
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